Rocko and Nakota: Tales From the Land

Nakota is a young boy in Grade 6 trying to write a story for a school contest. However, this proves difficult when he becomes very sick in the hospital. While trying to write his story and master his own fear for his health, he has a visitor. His very old grandpa, the willy and elderly Rocko, arrives with one goal in mind – to tell him stories.

Nakots’s journey into stories becomes a journey into himself as Rocko brings to life tales of the present and the past. Playing both characters and several secondary characters, Josh weaves a complex dynamic between young and old generations while examining contemporary contexts of stories, fear, and growth.

Josh Languedoc has Anishinaabe heritage from Saugeen First Nations. Josh is currently the Playwright in Residence at Workshop West Playwrights Theatre and works as a writer, educator, and performer in Edmonton, AB. Josh has also worked with Native Earth Performing Arts, Concrete Theatre, Thou Art Here Theatre, Grindstone Theatre, and Walterdale Theatre.

Playwright/Performer/Creator: Josh Languedoc
Director: Eric Smith
Technical Director: Haley Mailandt
Dramaturg: Curtis Peeteetuce, Tracy Caroll, Conni Massing

This Production is part of the CAFF Lottery and was made possible through the support of the Banff Centre for the Arts Indigenous Storytelling and Spoken Word Residency, Kompany Family Theatre, and the Thousand Faces Festival.